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Image Editor

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Used to place images from the web onto signs.

Make sure any images comply with the Server Rules so you dont get banned.


  • /sil <url> [raw]

Download the image from the url to the server and display it on the sign you are currently looking at. Specifying the `raw` argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the config file.

  • /silt <message> [<fontsize: number>] [<color: hex value>] [<bgcolor: hex value>] [raw]

Downloads a generated image with the given text and optional fontsize, color, bgcolor to be displayed on the sign you are currently looking at. Specifying the raw argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the configuration file.

  • /silrestore [all] [raw]

Restores an image on the sign that was broken during the last Rust update. Specifying the all argument will restore all signs on the server. Specifying the raw argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the configuration file.

  • /sili

Adds currently held item icon to sign or frame. Use /sili default to add that items default skin. Note that un-approved workshop skins will upload the first image in the workshop preview.