Kill Record – PVP

Provides you with various records of kills by yourself and others to see who is the top killer of specific things.

Commands are:

  • /krhelp – Shows all commands in chat
  • /pkills – Shows your kill records UI
  • /pkills (playername) – Shows another players kill records UI
  • /pkillschat – Shows your kill records in chat
  • /pkillschat (playername) – Shows another players kill records in chat
  • /topkills – Shows top kills UI with page selection
  • /topkillschat (entity) – Shows top kills in chat
  • /totalkills – Shows global kill count for all entities
  • /totalkillschat – Shows global kill count in chat for all entities
  • /killchat true/false – turns on/off kill messages in chat
  • /totalkills – Shows global kill count for all entities
  • /leadkills – Shows leaderboads UI
  • /pstats – shows your harvest records UI
  • /pstatschat – shows your harvest records in chat
  • /pstats (playername) – Shows another players harvest record UI
  • /pstatschat (playername) – Shows another players harvest record in chat
  • /topstats – shows top player harvest stats UI